Vocal Music
- Rejoice, O Land – Healey Willan (1880 - 1968)
- Here, O My Lord – Eleanor Daley (b. 1955)
Instrumental Music
- Chorale Prelude on the Tune “Bevan” – Healey Willan
- Fanfare and Alleluia – Douglas E. Wagner
- Postlude in D – Healey Willan
Congregational Music (all hymns from the Hymnal 1982 with the exception of those marked “R” which are from Renew.)
- Hymn 411 - O bless the Lord, my soul (ST. THOMAS (WILLIAMS))
- Hymn - Wade in the water (Negro Spiritual)
- Hymn R 266 - Give thanks with a grateful heart (GIVE THANKS)
- Hymn R 191 - O Christ, the healer (ERHALT UNS, HERR)
- Hymn R 232 - There is a redeemer (GREEN)
- Hymn 397 - Now thank we all our God (NUN DANKET ALLE GOTT)
- Psalm 111 - Jerome W. Meachen
This Sunday the Gospel from Luke tells us of ten lepers who are healed by Jesus. The tenth leper was a Samaritan, a foreigner to Jesus. But he experienced the love and healing which tore down the barrier to a relationship with Jesus. He was filled with the desire to praise and to thank God for this gift—not out of obligation, but out of genuine gratitude.
That is why I chose the anthem for Sunday:
The arrangement of this hymn is by the Anglo-Canadian organist and composer Healey Willan. He composed more than 800 works including operas, symphonies, chamber music, a concerto, and pieces for band, orchestra, organ, and piano. He is best known, however, for his church music.
He also composed the communion voluntary based on the hymn-tune BEVAN, which is used for the little known hymn Jesus, My Great High Priest. You'll hear the melody in the right hand, played again a measure later by the left hand on a different manual (keyboard.)
That is why I chose the anthem for Sunday:
Rejoice, O land, in God, thy might;
His will obey, Him serve aright.
For thee the saints lift up their voice;
Fear not, O land, in God rejoice.
Glad shalt thou be, with blessing crowned;Sometimes we become overwhelmed and anxious about all the ways we are foreigners to God and we build barriers to his Grace. We should take heart from this Samaritan, whose life is transformed from fear to love, from anxiety to perpetual thanks.
With joy and peace thou shall abound;
Yea, love with thee shall make his home
Until thou see God’s kingdom come.
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Healey Willan, 1965 |
The arrangement of this hymn is by the Anglo-Canadian organist and composer Healey Willan. He composed more than 800 works including operas, symphonies, chamber music, a concerto, and pieces for band, orchestra, organ, and piano. He is best known, however, for his church music.
He also composed the communion voluntary based on the hymn-tune BEVAN, which is used for the little known hymn Jesus, My Great High Priest. You'll hear the melody in the right hand, played again a measure later by the left hand on a different manual (keyboard.)
The Good Shepherd Handbell Guild will play for the first time this Sunday as they play Douglas Wagners Fanfare and Alleluia for the opening voluntary.
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